Word of the Day


Obtuse – not quick or alert in perception, feeling or intellect; not sensitive or observant.  Dull.


I had forgotten about this word until I heard it recently.  I use it whenever I am able.  For some unknown reason I forgot the word today.  I walked around trying to recall it but I came up short.  How could I forget it so soon.  I asked the young people if they recalled the word.  To my surprise one of them produced the word.  Sometimes they do listen!



Book Notes 2.


This book grabbed my attention by the title, “Blessed Are the Misfits,” by Brant Hansen.  I started this one from the beginning and I am half finished which is out of turn.

It is about Christians who are on the outskirts of the church. Why are they not in the inner circle of the church you ask?  They are different.  Whether they  introverts, autistic  or questioners, sometimes the church does not make room for those whom are deemed different in personality not belief.  We are not made to do things the exact  way everyone else does it.  God made each person unique, so the gifts and talents will be a little different.

So far so good.

Book Notes 1.


Just a heads up, I rarely read a book from beginning to end.  I usually start in the middle  because I pre-read everything.  Is pre-read not a word? I guess not.  The red squiggle line under the word that I see, indicates it is not.

If the book is not interesting in the beginning, middle or end,  why bother?

Needless to say I started in the middle of this book called, “Checking In,” by Stephen J. Cloobeck.  Can I say with certainty that I know what the book is about?  No, because I started in the middle however there was a story which intrigued me.  It is the reason why I decided to purchase the book.

In chapter 5 the discussion for me was the taking note of details.  The author spent the night in one of his properties.  He dropped his watch.  He knelt down to retrieve it and saw a gigantic ball of lint.  That is the things of nightmares for me.  I cannot go to a hotel room or rental apartment without paper towels and a bottle of cleaner.  Just in case.

He called an emergency meeting and showed housekeeping how to take care of the little things even if you think no one will notice the difference.

I told the young people this story because I wanted them to understand how you do things matters.  It is not enough to slap it together and call it done.  We do not need perfection but strive for excellence and if you get good then that is good enough.

This blog post is dedicated to the person who told me about skin cells in hotel rooms.  You know who you are!

General Notes 1.


This blog will contain plenty of grammar mistakes, misspellings and simply things I missed.  If I went with my nature, this blog would not exist at all.  Better imperfect than never.

Also, this blog contains a few things I try to teach my young people.  Do they listen?  I can’t say.  I hope it sinks in just a little.  I would really love if a lot sunk in but I will take what I can get.

Hello World!

Hello World!

Thanks for coming to my tiny corner of the world. This blog is about the education of the small people God given to us temporarily, about 20 years. Their job one day is to go forth and do what God has called them to do. He has given each one of them gifts and talents to use for His glory.

We, the parents, are learning right along with them. I pray to continuing learning until I am called home. I also want to share what we are learning because maybe someone is interested too. If not, then it is a record of what we have done.