Reading the Bible in Three Months

I just finished reading/ listening to the entire Bible in three months. I enjoyed it greatly! I would recommend it to everyone. It is something I always wanted to do but found it very difficult because of my own lack of discipline. This time, I completed with a group and the accountability in the group was extremely helpful to complete the task. Now that it is done, I believe, I will find it easier to do the next time. Once, you accomplished something, repeating it is less of a struggle.

Why should one read through the Bible from cover to cover and quickly?

You get a clearer picture of how God moves in the lives of His creation.

The time line is clearer. Have you every sat in church and during the sermon wonder where we are in the Biblical history? How does Old Testament connects with the New Testament? Certain events happening and you are not clear on the why?

We can see clearly why God hates sin. What a mess!

We might start to exam your life closer after reading how God dealt with the sin. I did.

We see how God shows love, grace and mercy to mankind.

I picked up on things that were missed by only reading or studying certain sections of the Bible.

Reading through it in a shorter time frame allowed me to remember more of the story because I was not forgetting things I have read months or years ago.

Getting closer to God by reading His Word is a blessing.

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