Word of the Day


I was in the car talking and realized the word coupon sounded a bit strange. It did not sound like an English word at all. I thought it sounded French. So needless to say I looked up the word and it is indeed a stolen French word.


1822- Certificate of interest due, a piece of paper cut off. If anyone is old enough to remember, it perfectly describes a coupon payment book one had to send in with a payment on a loan.

1860- expanded use of the word as a discount ticket.

1906- financial discount

Taken from the etymonline.com

Word of the Day


Obtuse – not quick or alert in perception, feeling or intellect; not sensitive or observant.  Dull.


I had forgotten about this word until I heard it recently.  I use it whenever I am able.  For some unknown reason I forgot the word today.  I walked around trying to recall it but I came up short.  How could I forget it so soon.  I asked the young people if they recalled the word.  To my surprise one of them produced the word.  Sometimes they do listen!